How to Discuss Stress + Emotions With Your Children: FREE Printable
Photo Credit: Jessica Collins Photography
In recent months, even before the many changes brought on by COVID-19, my husband and I have been emotionally "checking- in,” so to speak. For us, this was a need with or without potential crisis or looming unknowns, but with the added stress of current events, it has been essential. In doing so, it became apparent that in the same way my husband and I need to talk daily about our current thoughts and feelings, our children needed to do the same. They were starting to ask questions and beginning to connect our hushed tones and preparations with what was going on in the world. We'd been having appropriate conversations along the way, but none the less, they were being affected.
It's inevitable, our kids will deal with anxiety or fear, especially in the face of chaos or situations such as, oh… um… pandemics. It is true of ourselves, why would it not be for them? They are not immune. As we are working out the connect or disconnect of emotions and appropriate coping mechanisms, these immaculately created, sometimes frustrating, little beings are doing the same. And due to their keen awareness of your emotional well-being, they may often take on their own feelings as well as yours. In other words, stress is contagious, and, unfortunately, it affects us all. (Scroll down to find our FREE printable tools to combat stress and choose wellness over worry, or keep reading to find out why + how we now use them every day.)
Did you know that when you are stressed you are more susceptible to infections, sickness, and autoimmune disease? Essentially the stress hormone cortisol can suppress the white blood cells lowering our appropriate immune system response. In a nutshell, stress lessens the body's ability to fight infection by weakening our immune system. According to Andrew Goliszek Ph.D, some experts claim that stress is responsible for as much as 90% of all illness and disease, including cancer and heart disease. The research and statistics are staggering, and stress management techniques are an increasingly verifiable tool to keep the immune system functioning and healthy, the way it was created to be.
This is one of the many reasons why it is so important we all check-in, talk, and let these feelings out - especially our children. We must have consistent release allowing our stress hormones to take their seat, and talk about what is affecting our body whether we feel it or not. Due to all the above, in my opinion, this post may be one of the most important topics I have written on to date. I truly want to expand, share stories, and be more than informative. However, right now, I feel clear information is the need. I may share deeper thoughts and story-tell on this subject another day, but today we offer a free printable resource helping parents, teachers, and caretakers to create an emotionally healthy environment for the day to day- encouraging hearts and health in more than one way. It is truly all connected, friends.
We are calling these emotional tools: Emotional Health Hexagons. You will see why, when you download the PDF. I am still learning how to emulate and set an example on the topics I unpack within this tool. Therefore, do not think I am setting myself up as an all-knowing authority. I offer this because there has not been a greater lesson in parenting than the importance of teaching a child how to confidently identify, connect, and communicate their emotions, whether in the midst of turmoil or 'normal' life. Know these FREE printables we offer you, were needed and are now used in our daily life. They help us tell our story.
We can see the growth + fruitful product of planting such seeds and making time for consistent emotional connection with our children. In creating this space for such tools and conversation, we are establishing a pattern that may impact them for the rest of their lives in mind, body, and spirit. One of my favorite children's books, Seeds and Trees, reminds us what we water will surely grow, and I can see growth in us all as we lean into wellness over worry and strive to exchange stress for strength.
Click the link below to download and find guidelines, tips and suggestions on how to use these FREE tools of emotional health + connection as you help your children understand and discern an ever changing world around them - around us all! I encourage you to find a comfy space, read through the tips and guidelines while taking a few minutes out of your day to do this for yourself - check in and do a quick emotional evaluation. Then, when ready, invite your children to join you. We generally have our HIVEhuddles in the morning, but we've had them in the car, right before bed, and even over face-time. It's so easy, it won't take long, and it can literally affect your day and your whole health in practice.
Mamas (and Daddies), we are in this together. We need each other and our children need us to use these tools as much as they do. Reach out! This is a safe space to ask questions, and let us know how we can help in any way.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Andea Beims
“I can see growth in us all as we lean into wellness over worry and strive to exchange stress for strength.”
Photos by HIVEhome team-member + Honey in the HIVE, Jessica Collins of
Printables by by team-member + Honey in the HIVE, Andrea Haney.
How Can We help?
Comment here, and let us know what further resources you are needing, and how we can help. Also, give us a shout out and show us how your family utilizes Emotional Health Hexagons and tag @HIVE_home and #HIVEhealth so we can celebrate your family as you choose strength over stress and wellness over worry.