Sprouting seeds is not only fun (for kids and adults!), but also has numerous health benefits. I have always wanted to try my hand at sprouts, but haven't taken the time until now. It seems so easy, and due to the current spring/summer season, we are obsessed with growing. Thus, this little sprouting activity feeds our current green interests as well as our salad bowl.
In recent months, even before the many changes brought on by COVID-19, my husband and I have been emotionally "checking- in,” so to speak. For us, this was a need with or without potential crisis or looming unknowns, but with the added stress of current events, it has been essential. In doing so, it became apparent that in the same way my husband and I need to talk daily about our current thoughts and feelings, our children needed to do the same. They were starting to ask questions and beginning to connect our hushed tones and preparations with what was going on in the world. We'd been having appropriate conversations along the way, but none the less, they were being affected.
I continue to find it humbling but also spurring to tell my personal story of hope and healing from chronic pain.
“I dropped the baby today…” Breathe. “He’s okay. He fell on the rug, but I broke his fall.” Silence. I willed myself to finish the story, but I could not, just as he could not answer. More silence, more breathing + nervous glances, and more shame… which in turn, equalled more pain.
Rest is of the utmost importance, and may we encourage each other to become familiar with the definitions in action and consistent form. Our very purposes depend on it. We must find rest…
The most common question I am asked is a toss up between “How do you get your kids to eat so healthy?” and “How do you feed your crew on the regular?” Get the answer and a free PDF guide!
I see her.
She is sitting beside me in a kids play area, noticeably distracted and alone though surrounded.
All my life, I have loved stories - hearing them, telling them, reading them and creating spaces for them. I am a story teller.
I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that in a matter of days we are celebrating Christmas for more reasons than one. I have a feeling this is potentially mutual for you…