Breathing Through The Holidays
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I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that in a matter of days we are celebrating Christmas for more reasons than one. I have a feeling this is potentially mutual for you, but I sincerely hope I am writing to at least a few readers that are supremely ready with every magical moment planned, lists finished, and all the sleeeeep. Someone should have that satisfaction! But for those, like me, who are still scrambling on a few (the use of this word is a coping mechanism) items or to-do's, you have all the empathy from this girl!
Truly, I have anchored into Advent in a way that makes all the above pale, as it should. I am not fretting nor worried about gifts unwrapped or even purchased. I mean it. I have already rehearsed my appropriate statements for my children that will prepare them for my true ability or inability this year. I'm not losing sleep over whether my kids have or do not have their list of wants or wishes. Why?…
Because they have what they need. If I am to be honest, there are things going on right now that are much more pressing in our lives. Nonetheless, we are busy little elves over here with happy hearts to give abundantly of what we do have and what does matter. I pray you do just that, friends. Give of the cups that you have, the ones that have the capacity to run over appropriately. Do not give of yourself in ways that cross personal financial, physical, or mental boundaries. We celebrate this time of year not for the giving or the fretting, but due to the gift that we've already received. Literally, nothing else matters.
Therefore, if you are worrying about the perception others might have of what you feel you lack (including your children!), surrender the ability to lay that burden down. What you have is enough. What you give or cannot give is enough. Who you are does not rest in your ability or capacity to please, take care of, or accommodate the expectations of others. You are enough in your pursuit of what you can and cannot do in this season. Period.
“What you have is enough.
What you give or cannot give is enough”
This is where I take a peek into the manger scene and see Mary and Joseph. They had what they needed, the assured bare essentials - most importantly shelter from a long journey, and it was also enough. I often think of how relieved Joseph must have been after being rejected repeatedly, or was he angry and weary? What of Mary? Did she have relief, peace, fear, gratitude? They were, of course, only human.
I know it has been said a million times over, but can you imagine being tasked with the extreme responsibility of carrying the Son of Man, God incarnate? Here I am surrendering the burdens of my current life situations and the staggering year 2020 has been, but I feel there's not much to compare to an unexpected teenage pregnancy of the savior of the world! Yes, I know she was privileged, and what an honor, but folks, let's not kid ourselves. Her life got harder not easier from the moment of that first angelic conversation and humble surrender to the story she'd been given.
Yes, Mary versus me is vastly different, and yet I relate to her human contribution in this scene - we all do - we have all known or currently know the weight of a significant burden. Is it wrong to call the pregnancy of bearing Jesus a burden? This I do not know, but what I do know is it is not wrong to recognize the immense weight it must have been, and the weight I feel in my personal journey, in the story God has put before me within my own silent night visage. (Read more on that here.) At some point everyone relates or understands the heart-shattering moment where your story is heavier, deeper, and wider than you ever imagined it could or would be.
Friend, if you are facing hardship or difficult circumstances, which may include covid, the collateral damage there of, or other life trials, the very breath you breathe has the ability to calm, soothe, and be a part of the healing you need. Ultimately it is the understanding of Christ’s love and sacrifice for you that gives you everything you need, but that does not diminish, rather it extols, his good and loving design created to help us in the waiting.
“You are seen, and your life + breath matters.”
Maybe the hardship you have right now is the frustration and angst of missing family and the fellowship of loved ones. Maybe holidays are triggering and hurtful due to loss in diverse forms, and meeting with family seems a barrier to your breath and existence. You are seen, and your life + breath matters. It matters so much it is a part of one of the core healing mechanisms your body carries, and the very reason God sent his son. Use it - your life and your breath for healing. Don't diminish it or devalue it.
I had a friend send me this amazing breathing exercise at a hard point this year, and I can't help but wonder if even just one person needs to read this right now as you fix your eyes on the remembering and the telling of your heart, mind, and spirit to simply breathe in the very breath of heaven. Right now wherever you are, in the full pain of your humanity, with the hope of the full joy that God is with us not just in a historical or traditional sense but NOW, right where you are, with his breath of life to fill your lungs and your heart with hope beyond your circumstances, breathe.
Breathe with me...
Breathe in grace…Breathe out fear.
<Slow and deep>
Breathe in peace. Breathe out tension.
< IN = Receive; OUT = Release >
Breathe in God's Presence…Breathe out forsakenness.
Breathe in Stillness…Breathe out voices that sound like "should" or "should not."
Breathe in calm…Breath out chaos.
Breathe in being loved…Breathe out getting it all right.
Breathe in trust in your Creator…Breathe out confusion.
Breathe in quietness…Breathe out grasping for answers.
Breathing with you.
Merry Christmas, my friends. May you breathe in every moment of rejoicing and renewal during this Advent as we remember our need, our provision, and the breath and life we breathe.
CLICK BELOW FOR FURTHER THOUGHTS ON Advent + the breath of heaven.
Author - Andea Beims
Photos by HIVEhome team-member + Honey in the HIVE- Jessica Collins of
Editing + Publishing by team-member + Honey in the HIVE- Andrea Haney.